Art Pen and Ink Sold

13-Lined Squirrel

13-Lined Squirrel (Swamp Things Collection) Micron Pen on Strathmore 300 Series Artist Tiles. 4"x4"
13-Lined Squirrel (Swamp Things Collection)
Micron Pen on Strathmore 300 Series Artist Tiles. 6″ x 6″ framed. $240 SOLD

This is the first piece in the Swamp Things Collection, a set of three that I’m constructing in response to a call for artists from the Art Supply Depō in Bowling Green, Ohio. The theme of the call is the Great Black Swamp, hence the collection will be based on species that are native to the area.  It’s a far departure from my typical abstract work, but I’m very happy with how this one came out, and the second item (which will be much larger) is coming along nicely.

Update: I’m pleased to report this piece has been sold in the Swamp Things Exhibition! Thank you to my generous patrons – I hope you enjoy it through the years to come.

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